Technology is ever-evolving and sometimes it is hard to keep up, but what we do know is that software automation is key to an accurate and timely operation. In driving recruitment, there are so many things to do and remember; who called when, did Joe Bloggs accept that shift, and how many drivers did your client need again?

Many recruitment agencies have opted in to manage their operation with technology, but if you still need convincing, we’ve put together our top five reasons your agency could benefit from software automation.

  • Staying legal. Let’s face it, driving compliance can get complicated and even the most experienced of recruiters among us can be caught out when we’re busy doing 100 other things. Having software that manages this for you can save time and keep your agency remaining 100% compliant.
  • Competitive advantage. Driving recruitment is a competitive and volatile industry, and we have to move quickly. If you can’t keep up with client demand because of your manual processes, you may find your clients look elsewhere for their supply.
  • Candidate experience. Providing a streamlined candidate experience from registration to shift bookings to payroll can improve candidate retention and ensure your clients’ requirements are filled.
  • Business continuity. As we have seen this past year, planning for unforeseen circumstances is key, and ensuring your operation can work at any location or with minimal staff is vital.
  • Staff morale. Speeding up the operation means reduced overtime and fewer workers required on weekends and bank holidays. Giving your staff a better work-life balance will only improve their morale.

These are just some of the benefits of investing in software, there are many more we can share with you. If you’d like to talk to us about how your agency could benefit from automation with DRS.